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Team Strategist for Survey Says, Team Unidos, WA Region
  • Team Strategist for Unidos in Internal Bracket Tournament (WA Region): Invited by the team captain to devise a winning strategy for the first annual competition, highlighting my reputation for innovation and problem-solving.

  • Crowd-Sourced Database Creation: Developed a unique crowd-sourced database by pulling survey questions, enabling team members to collaboratively fill in and rate answers, fostering team spirit and collaboration across the region.

  • Tournament Victory Through Collaborative Strategy: Led the Unidos team to victory in a six-month-long competition by implementing an inclusive and data-driven approach, leveraging the collective intelligence of teammates and board members.

  • Pioneering Approach in Annual Competition: Established a precedent by crafting a successful game plan that contributed to Unidos's win in the first annual tournament, reflecting creativity, leadership, and a strong understanding of teamwork dynamics.





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